Monday, October 25, 2004

An Apology

First off, I must admit that I am quite the loser. This all began when a few of my long-lost friends thought it would be fun to blog random current events in their lives. It was interesting to see how everyone had changed, or not, since I had seen them last. But I was not content to be merely an observer, oh no. I had to jump in and give it a try myself.

So, I sincerely apologize for my utter lack of imagination, creativity, ambition, ingenuity, etc. I am going to blog basically the same load of poop that the rest of you seem to be blogging. If you checked it out thinking, "Hey, I remember Matt! He was kinda nerdy. I wonder what he has to say, for it might be interesting," then you are terribly mistaken. Whereas many Internet hounds utilize blogs to wax profundities about the local music scene, geopolitical happenings, or social analysis, I promise to do nothing but sound off on my latest (mis)adventures as a married seminary student in New Jersey. I may mention politics, theology, philosophy, but only in reference to topics such as the breed of dog my wife and I aspire to own when our lease permits it. (Campus housing still sucks, even in grad school)

That said, if you have read this far, I take the apology back. You are certainly reading this nonsense under your own free will, and you have no one to blame but yourself for the five minutes you have just wasted. Cheers.


Blogger Kristopher Kinzie said...

I don't know what you just said, but stop apologizing woman. Looks like I might be asking you to "walk some stuff off", but I still need to run a few comments you made through my associate, Stick.

October 25, 2004 6:23 PM  

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