Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Final Verdicts

I turned in my last final at 8am this morning (I wrote it yesterday), so I am no longer burdened by the perils of academia, at least for a week or so. Then I start my summer reading. Looks like a little Kant & Nietzsche, then some Yoder. Ah, life.

In cse you are curious, here is how things turned out this semester. My initial impressions were close, but here is the exit poll.

The Doctrine of Atonement> So, I was hoping to get things settled in this class. Such as: are substitutionary atonement theories worthwhile? was Anselm nuts or just flawed? can I really live with just an Abelardian view? The answers are as follows: sorta, not really, and not at all. So I guess I did get some substantive goals met.

The Theology of Friedrich Schleiermacher> I discovered that the father of modern theology was more of a misunderstood genius. Don't blame him for what ails us, somebody had to be the first theologian to deal with "modernity".

Intro to Christian Mystical Tradition> A wild and crazy survey of wild and crazy people. Who was the wildest? Meister Eckhart, hands down.

Theory and Practice of Pastoral Care> One of the ebst practical theology classes I could ever imagine taking. We did not tlak about how to keep the deacons from firing you once! Instead we actually talked THEOLOGY about issues like alcoholism, family problems, counseling, etc. I am going to have to plug the prof's book, too. I am not going Xanga, OK? Just one book.

Preaching> I wrote and delievered my first funeral sermon (not at an actual funeral, but in class). Tough stuff, but I passed.

Field Education> No more seminary required field ed. 2 hours credit in the spring semester for a year-long internship of 15 hours a week. At least I got paid. Sure I did. And then I paid the school for the credit.

That is a wrap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Brother!

One step closer to insanity.

I'm proud of you.

May 05, 2005 2:53 PM  

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