Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Xmas Break

Here is something to leave you with for a week or two. I will be traveling to Colorado and finishing up finals, then traveling to Fort Drum, NY. My wife and I were momentarily captivated by an advertisement for AMEX. There was just something so darned interesting about how famous people answer the most basic questions. Hopefully, I can be just as interesting. If not, read this and ruminate.

childhood ambition> to drive a fire truck
fondest memory> hard to beat my wedding day
soundtrack> Bebo Norman at his best
retreat> a warm corner in a library basement
wildest dream> to write a column for Time magazine
proudest moment> on its way, hopefully
biggest challenge> getting out of bed in the morning before my wife
alarm clock> it's there
perfect day> a canoe somewhere in a river with the wife
first job> furniture delivery
indulgence> microwave popcorn
last purchase> something at Starbucks, isn't it all the same there?
favorite movie> The Shawshank Redemption
inspiration> the Rule of Christ

Grace and Peace to you in Advent and beyond!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Have happy times in Colorado and Fort Drum.

December 21, 2005 4:02 AM  
Blogger Clint said...

Something to spark some conv. upon your return. I had a co-worker ask me if the bible commands the believer to go to church. She further emphasized, "I mean, specifically says you have to go to church?" My reply, shooting from the hip, was that it never apodictically states that one must go to "church", but that it does encourage believers to gather and worship together and to celebrate the sacrament of communion which does, necessarily, require more than one individual. Anyway, I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts or answers for such a question. I'll keep thinking and maybe post something on my own when I reach any conclusions (if any are available).

Matt, hope it was a good trip. We were glad to see you both, however briefly.

January 06, 2006 2:09 PM  

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