Friday, November 04, 2005

More Marital Bliss

My wife and I took a trip down to Times Square Theater to catch Switchfoot on their new tour. We snatched up their new disc (preliminary ruling: highly decent). Augustana opened up, and we enjoyed them a great deal. Then Eisley followed, and they stank the place up a bit. There, that is as close as I am coming to a "concert review". I am no trendy music hipster, as I have mentioned before. If I were, I would be on xanga flaunting how trendy my tastes in music are every time I post. As is, I am merely flaunting the fact that I am a short train ride from NYC. I could see any band you hipsters pretend to know so much about. And I could do it live. Eat your heart out. Location is wasted on the hopelessly disinterested ignorants. If that seemed bitter, remember that I was in NYC for a concert last night. Therefore, I only got about 3 hours of sleep before my 8:00am.

The real story is that the tickets were a b-day present for my wife. She has been a devoted fan of Switchfoot since the days of Legend of Chin. I was always somewhat put off by the lead singer's "surfer guy" voice. Somewhere between then and now, they learned to play their instruments and write decent music. Now, they even have something of a coherent message. When they started belting out, "Happy is a yuppie word", I fell in love with these silly surfer guys.

Michelle and I had fun, but not nearly as much as the couple who sat next to us. Times Square was once legendary for its "red light district" aura. Now it is quite the tourist stop. These two must have not received the memo. After several cold brews, the sloppy makeout session was only punctuated by some equally intense groping. As I nervously looked around for the poor youth minister who was surely getting fired for this, I remembered that I was in NYC. Business as usual, and not a twentysomething with a goatee and a Christian t-shirt in sight.

My wife, undaunted by the PDL (public display of lust), nevertheless enjoyed the concert. She found it amusing if offensive, but neither of us could claim to be surprised. I am sure she will blog about soon. Read about it here. Which reminds me, if you read her blog please leave a comment. She is convinced no one ever reads it because there are never new comments. I would leave a few myself, but I don't want anyone to think that Michelle and I only communicate online these days.


Blogger JGaroutte said...

HooWADT?! didn't even know she had a blog!

November 06, 2005 10:00 PM  
Blogger Clint said...

1) The new Switchfoot album is very cool. It's one of the first "christian" albums I've heard with more than two songs which (musically speaking) rock. Message ain't bad either.

2) I think the disinterested cynicism is often fueled by a genuine knowledge about reality. Who doesn't at least consider the disinterested alternative while hearing about the atrocities and starvation in N. Korea, while in the same conversation talking sympathetically about the earthquake in Northern South Asia - comparing that to how much (or now little) we contributed to the Tsunami effort. Listening to the news, one often finds there just isn't the capacity to care in the way that we need to. Genuine concern (optimism without naivity) can be very depressing and frustrating.

November 07, 2005 6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Times Square with the Porters...sounds like Spring Break to me. Haven't heard the new Switchfoot, but I thought "The Beautiful Letdown" was decent, with several songs that I truly dig. Yes, I just typed "truly dig."

My "trendy music" portion of my xanga, unfortunately, is usually overrun with untrendy literature. But that's okay with me.

November 08, 2005 1:04 AM  
Blogger matt said...

Sheck> Maybe you should stop watching the news on TV. They suck, and only depress. I am also getting tired of print media.

brent> Yeah, that was not a shot at your xanga. I am actually interested in what u are reading, because I think you might actually be reading it. Any truth to that?

November 13, 2005 8:28 PM  

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