Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Who ARE These Guys? pt II

Here is some more news, finally from an American source, about those private contractors and they trouble they cause.

Check it out here and then tell me what you think.


Blogger Clint said...

So, if I'm getting this straight, what we have here are basically companies who are buying the top specialists from the military. In time, it seems like these contractors will become even more powerful than the military (as they already appear to be owning the market in weapons disposal). One could imagine a scenario playing out where the power of the military no longer belongs to the president (and, presumeably, through democracy, to the people), but rather to wealthy businessmen who own the contractors. It seems that if this scenario played out to its extreme, we'd be looking at government supported treason. I'm speculating, but think of how modern capitalism works today with only a very few people in power. What if the same happened with US military? The question ought to be who is in control of these contractors.

September 26, 2005 10:20 PM  

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