Monday, March 20, 2006

Live My Dream

I have one recurring dream that involves my greatest and most odd fascination:


I am terrified of the ocean, hate the beach, and don't even really care to swim in lakes or rivers or even deep pools. I am not afraid of drowning. I can swim like a fish, or at least a wounded fish. And there is the problem... I always feel like shark bait. Being at the mercy of predators most at home where I am at an extreme disadvantage is not my idea of fun.

Yet I never miss a Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, and I can quote lines from every Jaws movie made (Even Jaws 4. Really). I dream that I am being chased by a shark at least every six months. It starts out like any regular dream, but then wherever I am starts filling up with water. Then the shark arrives. You can guess the rest. So humor me for a few minutes.

Go here, be a shark for a few minutes. And be afraid. Be very afraid.


Blogger carlymarie said...

Our pastor incorporated shark week into the sermon the last few weeks. It was awesome. The sermon series is called something to the effect of "how to get yourself out of 4 feet of monkey poop."

March 21, 2006 6:57 PM  

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