Ladies & Gentlemen
We have a winner in the great "Admit-the-Porters" sweepstakes.
Baylor University caved and decided to admit me to their Graduate Program in Religion.
What's that you say? I already have been in graduate school? Sure, but all I will have to show for it is a crummy master's degree. Baylor wants to give me a shiny PhD after I work my hind quarters off for a few years.
If none of that makes sense, then just hear this: We are moving to Waco!
(I am still to excited to admit to myself that I am moving to Texas. Adjustment will take time. Go easy on me. After all, I have been in New Jersey for so long that Limbo was beginning to sound quaint.)
Baylor University caved and decided to admit me to their Graduate Program in Religion.
What's that you say? I already have been in graduate school? Sure, but all I will have to show for it is a crummy master's degree. Baylor wants to give me a shiny PhD after I work my hind quarters off for a few years.
If none of that makes sense, then just hear this: We are moving to Waco!
(I am still to excited to admit to myself that I am moving to Texas. Adjustment will take time. Go easy on me. After all, I have been in New Jersey for so long that Limbo was beginning to sound quaint.)