Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Let Us Blog Together

While pondering many things (like the nature of theology, the purpose of blogging, my closest friends, my chosen career path) I read the following article. I found it in a former colleague's blog. It is an interesting critique of Blogs themselves, and may indeed be a way to bring the aforementioned list of ponderables together into something approaching a unity.

The gist of the article is as follows: blogs are inherently limited in their capacity for sustained reflection and interaction among thoughful readers. We have all noticed it before but have perhaps not been quite so articulate (or maybe its just me who is slow). Blogs are supposed to facilitate interaction between readers and author via the "comments" section. However, as anyone who visits any blog regularly can attest, very little actual interaction takes place in the comments section. People may read the comments or even leave a small note. But, if one hopes for a reply or a clarification as a result of the content of a comment, one hopes in vain. A new post is the typical reason people check back later, not an actual conversation or engagement (or even sustained encouragement).

So, as one of my blogging friends has hinted, something new may be in order. It has been suggested (by Clint) that some type of collaborative blogging may be more useful on multiple levels. I suggest one blog, jointly edited by a few people with common intention, that deals with one topic at a time for a sufficient period allowing for helpful, collaborative action to occur in the blogosphere (one month?). Each editor in turn selects a topic (or two) and each contributor can then interact on their own time over the period. Or, a story can be offered followed by critique and discussion and reflection. Or a recent significant (personal?) event can be discussed. (Or we could discuss sermon ideas? Work-related issues? Family? ...)

It is only an idea, and I am not sure if it will work. What I do know is that if YOU are interested and do not respond (in the inadequate comments section) nothing will happen. I promise to spend the rest of the month (at least) on this discussion. I hope to read some comments and/or blog posts on the topic soon.


Blogger JGaroutte said...

I agreed with Clint's idea, and I love that you picked up the ball... How 'bout I add some forward momentum--I decided to flip my blogger site... It's sat dormant for far too long, and I believe this can be my contribution to the start... all I need is your email address, and I'll make you an administrator...

October 18, 2006 1:16 AM  
Blogger JGaroutte said...

Here's a faster link then clickin' on my profile:


October 18, 2006 1:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. I'm in if the topic is right.

October 18, 2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger Clint said...

Amen, yeyasah! True, this will be a message board of sorts, but message boards are typically open to anyone who wants to type in a username, unless I'm mistaken (haven't been on a message board since High School), rather than being invited into the conversation as it would be here. People will still be free to leave comments, however the brunt of the actual conversation would take place BOTH in the comments and in the posts.

Just to throw out some suggestions to hedge us closer to an interesting topic: I think it would be a good idea to start with a topic that is more objective, but not something so difficult we all have to spend hours in the library trying to define. Perhaps a book or a subject we all can relate with would be in order? Just throwing out some suggestions to hedge us closer to an interesting topic:

October 18, 2006 6:47 PM  

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