Wednesday, June 28, 2006

First Impressions

Texas is hot, and it is full of Texans. Nevertheless, it beats the heck out of Jersey.

Driving 18 hours in one day is not a bad idea: it is a terrible idea.

People in the Central Time Zone do not need to stay up as late to see the end of a baseball game or the Daily Show. It's nice.

My nephew is the cutest kid to look like me since, well, me.

We are moved in, unpacked, and looking for a dog.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I am awfully tardy with this post. So much has happened, I just could not decide where to begin. So, a list is in order.
> I am typing this on my new laptop. Thanks to my in-laws, I am now portable and wireless.
> My sister-in-law is engaged. Hooray for her.
> I am due for a new niece/nephew in January.
> I am moving to Texas this Friday. Living out of boxes currently.
> I am officially and irreparably hooked on World Cup soccer. I even like to call it football. At least until this fall when I am back in Big 12 country.
> My wife and I are planning on adopting a puppy. More details to come.

Short list, long on substance. It does explain why I have not posted though, huh?