I, Matt Porter, do solemnly swear to not turn my blog into a daily political rant.
That said, let me give you my thoughts on politics just a few days before an election. Put the women, children, and undecided voters to bed! I will now handicap the race between the Three Stooges.
Bush> I honestly do not believe that a guy smart enough to make it through Yale University cannot pronounce "nuclear" properly. Everytime he says "nuculer" I cringe, feeling like I am being mocked by a guy with barely above average intelligence. Who is this guy trying to kid? He grew up with a silver spoon wedged between his mandibles, and Barbara would never allow one of her children to sound like a redneck. But the worst thing about W is foreign policy. I remember sitting at home during a spring break watching the war start on CNN. During the televised (!) portion of the "shock and awe" campaign, Wolf Blitzer (Cpl. Putz) kept warning us that the next cruise missile may ignite one of those stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. How gullible we all were! What we were really seeing is a bunch of innocent Iraqis get killed, which is not much different from what we are seeing today. If WMD and a dictator are a recipe for a pre-emptive war, get set to invade Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Russia, Cambodia, Indonesia, North Korea, and the state of Maine.
Kerry> This guy is dying a slow, suffocating death. He really never stood a chance and is an embarrasment to the ttwo-party system. Which party does he represent? The party of "I am not George W. Bush". Yet another victim of American democracy. Why was he "for the war before he was against it"? Simple. Because most of us were, too. Kerry is imprisoned by public opinion and unwilling to take a risk in giving his own views. Why do we not know what he believes? He won't tell you until you tell him. Then he will agree with you and ask for your vote. If he simply had the guts to vote against the initial war resolution in the first place, we could at least all see that he was a true alternative. I don't have much to say about John Kerry, and neither does he.
Nader> Don't waste my time. When your biggest supporters are Republicans who hope you steal votes from Kerry, you have to admit that you are wearing a big sign that says "Mr. Irrelevant".
We really have only two choices, bad and bad. Most people justify this by saying that to vote for president is to pick the "lesser of two evils". They usually say this meaning that their own candidate is bad, but not as stupid as the other guy. I disagree. What we have here is the evil of two lessers. Surely America can do better than two rich, obnoxious white guys who graduated from Yale only a few years apart. How about Barack Obama v. John McCain in 2008?